Policies and Process

When Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) receives a report of sexual misconduct, the Title IX coordinator reviews the report and contacts the Reporting Party/Complainant to explain resolution options as well as offer supportive measures.

Following a report, next steps in the process depend on:

  • Whether or not the complaint falls under a CWU definition of sexual misconduct.
  • Whether or not the complaint involves CWU jurisdiction of authority.
  • How the Reporting Party/Complainant wants to proceed with the complaint and/or participate in a resolution process.
  • Whether or not the Title IX Coordinator has to proceed with the complaint, as several factors must be weighed to ensure that the University is maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.

CWU Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures

To learn more about prohibited sexual misconduct at CWU, as well as investigative and resolution processes for student and employees, review the policies and procedures outlined below.

What is Informal and Formal Resolution?

Informal Resolution

Under appropriate circumstances and if the involved parties agree to participate, a trained University official can facilitate an informal resolution between involved parties, such as a guided conversation and agreement between the involved parties.

In some cases, informal resolution may not be appropriate and will not be considered as a resolution option.

Informal resolution is completely voluntary and either involved party can withdraw from the informal resolution process at any time, at which point the formal resolution process would resume.

Formal Resolution

Formal resolution of a sexual misconduct complaint involves an investigation and hearing process by the appropriate office/department.

A trained (CRC) investigator will provide notice of the investigation and then meet with the involved parties and witnesses individually to gather facts and evidence around the reported incident. Following the completion of an investigation and investigative report, a decision maker (see section below) will determine responsibility in a formal hearing.

Respondents shall be presumed not responsible for alleged sexual misconduct until the appropriate investigative and resolution processes have come to a close and a determination of responsibility has been reached by the decision maker.

Who is the Decision Maker?

For student Respondents, the investigation report is sent to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) to review. OSRR staff will then setup a hearing process to determine whether any policies were violated and if so, make determinations as to any outcomes/sanctions.

For employee Respondents, the investigation report is sent to Human Resources (HR) to review. HR will then oversee a hearing process to determine whether any policies were violated and if so, make determinations as to any outcomes/sanctions.

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Civil Rights Compliance

Barge 204

Title IX Coordinator- John MacArthur